Monday, August 9, 2010

Get um all moving!

The one thing I have enjoyed most about doing this diet is sharing it with my husband! It has been really great to see him get the concepts of protein, carb and fat! We have gone on line to look at our favorite fast food joints web sights and calorie counters (and vowed to never eat there again, we will see how long that lasts) We eat on our small plates and everything is a lot more colorful and just clean feeling! But mostly I have loved to see us stick to something! Our language is better our prayers are better, our girls eat better! My baby just got done having a peach a pear, some potato and celery! Jayla even eats almonds and string cheese for lunch with me! Your family can do it too I guess is what I mean to say--there is no reason to dumb it down for them! Make the change for the better in all of them! EVEN IF IT MEANS HAULING THEM IN A BIKE TRAILER FOR NOW---SOMEDAY THEY WILL THANK YOU FOR A HEALTHIER LIFE STYLE!!! Good luck on your last week!

1 comment:

  1. Well said Daylemarie. And you are awesome for hauling your girls behind you!
